Well, we've arrived home, but still settling back into the routine!
As seen on the site, we were able to bring some bunnies back from the states! Karey Welliver from Napoleon's Hutch drove down to Spokane, WA (was a big drive....) to meet Tasia Thomas of Tasia's Tiny Tots. Tasia is from further west in Washington, so we met somewhat in the middle! Also, we met Becky, and grandson Robert (?) of Showy Rabbitry in Montana. They brought some bunns for Tasia, and Tasia had some Britannia Petites for them. They also had a few ND's they were culling, and I brought home a cute little chocolate otter doe to use within my Lionhead program.
Tasia showed us a few of her animals posed, and told us a few tips :) We also got to see her pose up a young BP doe, a black otter. They aren't quite like the pictures in the ARBA standards book. There was a sweet REW buck that really enjoyed a head scratch from Karey! There were soooo many pretty animals passing from carrier to carrier, it was hard to keep track! I think the biggest surprise came when I saw Tasia's Rocky, a broken tort buck (HL). His picture on her website just did him no justice! He is 10 time more than the picture lets on! I envy Karey, that's a no-brainer!! (Though, we bred Sandpoint my blue doe to him) Karey also brought home a legend of a Holland!!! But... you'll have to wait for her to spill the beans on who it is - on her home page there is a picture of this mystery bunn hiding behind the rocks in her garden! Too cute!
Our drive home was so much easier, as we took a different route, and the heat was not so bad. We stopped every so often to stretch our legs, and grab something to drink. Luckily, Karey and I have similar travelling styles - and we enjoy the same music... and the coffee! LOL I won't tell you where we were buying it though as apparently it is a bus driver's secret :) She even made me wait until the second day to divulge this secret! lol
The way down seemed almost torturous going through the National Park - there were forest fires close to the road, lost sandals.... We joked alot that we kept crossing "Lost Sandal Creek" (you know how you can cross the N. Sk river several times while travelling, same as S. Sk river, and Battle River) Right there in Spokane, it seemed we parked right on it!!! lol
At any rate, we brought home some fantastic bunnies!!! I have favourites already!!! Snowberry's Milo was a favourite from the time I got home, and L & R's Carlotta - what an absolutely SWEET girl!!! 5 yrs old - still travelling, still showing, still breeding!!! She LOVES to be held - climbs right into my arms and nuzzles into my neck. How does a gal resist that??? Just impossible! She certainly didn't seem to have noticed she was travelling for 3 days, or the change in her surroundings!
My Dad certainly seemed to like the little Netherland doe that came home from Becky and her grandson (Becky does the ND's, and Robert the Dwarf Hotots). I think he was trying to hint to Mom that he should maybe keep her there!! LOL That was a no-go though! lol The doe "T16" seemed to like Dad as much as he her. She also seemed to enjoy Liam's attention. I'm not entirely sure yet if she has a name, she's sure cute. I've always been leary of the ND's due to temperament - thinking them a little too fiesty for my taste, but she seems fairly laid back. Not even as hyper as some of my MR's so she's tolerable!!! LOL
OH!!!!!!!! How could I forget!!!! Napoleon's Oh No has come to us from Karey! Thanks Karey! He'll make me alot of pretty babies, and (crossing my fingers) maybe some REW's in the 1st generation?
Finally have got all the new bunnies up on the website, though still need to add a page for the Lionheads! That'll be another day though :)
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