Friday, December 21, 2007



A little to update, we have some new jr's up on the site, after another overall site update. Mostly, we have Mini Rexes out of the litters, with just a few Hollands. We are quite pleased with the jr's we've kept back, and will be watching them closely. Many will come for sale, so enquire if you are interested in any, as we may just part with them :)

The few jr Hollands kept back we are really pleased with and proud to say that they are by L&R's Zing, who is owned by Cutie Patootie Rabbitry :) Very nice toplines on these jr's!!! Not to mention some eye catching heads!

We will soon be looking at yet another cutback, as we decide our goals, and try our best to focus on them.

Our colour goals have all but vanished in our Holland program in order to improve our type, though eventually once we are pleased with our type we can begin to focus on colours again. We have our wonderful friends (Crystal, and Karey!) to thank for their tremendous help in our holland type!

In our Mini Rex program, we are pleased with the quality of the offspring we are producing, though there is always room for improvement! We are currently dominated by blacks and broken blacks (Liam's favourite) at the moment, but hope in the future to boost the castors and opals.

We currently have a litter of steel Mini Rex, they are F3, and all are Rex furred, and all 5 are STEEL!!!!! We are very excited with this development, and look forward to having a small program for steel!

Our Steel Holland program unfortunately, is not fairing quite so well. Steel in litters, is hit and miss, depending on the individual colour genetics of the parents. Our main doe kindled a nice litter of 5, though the kits kept sneaking out of the box and chilling. We are left with just 2 in this litter - a chin (possibly sable chin), and a seal/sable. Very disappointing, though the kits are very nice themselves! Well! Better luck next time, right? Nature dictates in this case, no matter what we would hope for ;)

Also excitng, is a pudgy little REW kit in Raven's (HL) nestbox!!!! See? Patience CAN be rewarding!! LOL

Looking forward to the show in February held in Wetaskiwin, AB. This will be a great chance for some feedback on our progress with our Hollands and Mini Rex. There are a few Jr's that we are proud of and just can't wait to see if they are as nice as we think. Any success in our Hollands would have to be attributed again, to Crystal and Karey!

Also looking forward to showing several MR Jr's. In particular, a seriously beautiful broken black buck bred by Helga at Golden Spike :) He's not even in SR coat, yet feels like most of my other sr's already with the density and texture! I'm trying to wait patiently to feel Sr fur on him, but will just have to try not thinking about it for a while longer!!! Aside from fur, this buck has wonderful type, and a great HQ. I would have to be very ruthless to find much to fault him on.

Getting ready for Christmas here, and the new year. Loads of work to be done, and it feels daunting at times, but with the support of friends and family, it is possible ;)

Till Next Year!


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